People affected by violence are often unable to escape from a situation dominated by violence. As a specialised professional and support figure, you occupy a special position and should take decisive action

Help for professionals

If you learn in the course of your work that someone under your care or supervision is affected by violence in a relationship and/or within the family, you should proceed as follows:

  • Always inform your line manager
  • Contact the Zug Police Department for Domestic Violence. You will receive advice from specialised professionals on the various procedures and the legal basis (e.g. duty of disclosure). The advice can also be provided without disclosing personal details.

As a specialised professional and support figure, you have a special role to play when it comes to recognising dangerous situations at an early stage in order to initiate protective and support measures.

It is vital that you act! People affected by violence are often unable to escape from a situation dominated by violence. Children are vulnerable to violence.

Children have a right to grow up in a non-violent environment. Child protection concerns us all! Remember that in Switzerland there are different legal bases in relation to child abuse that require you to act or report.

Duty to report if child endangerment is identified


Any person who perceives a risk to the best interests of the child, in particular public officials and anyone professionally involved in the education, care or medical or psychological care of children, but also professionals from the fields of medicine, psychology, nursing, social care, child care, education, social services, religion and sport, who have regular contact with children in their work, are subject to the duty of disclosure.

Canton of Zug’s Child Protection Group

This service is aimed at all professionals and teachers who work with children and young people. When children are neglected or affected by physical, psychological and sexual violence, prudent and professional action is required. Risk factors such as domestic violence and addiction problems in the family environment as well as (cyber) bullying can have a lasting impact on the child’s psychosocial development and health.

Our free expert advice in the context of child protection helps you to assess the situation and deal with any uncertainties. It also provides recommendations for further action. The effective protection of children and young people requires a coordinated and targeted approach from all professionals involved. All case discussions take place in an interdisciplinary child protection group (KSG).

punkto Parents, children and young people:
+41 41 767 75 00

If the psychosocial and health development of a child is at risk, it is vital that specialised professionals and/or teachers intervene