When noticing injuries in people or witnessing a dispute, it is often possible to intervene without putting yourself at risk

Help for concerned parties

Even as a witness or outsider, you can protect a victim from domestic violence without putting yourself in danger.


If an argument can be heard from a neighbouring apartment, listen in and don’t ignore it. Dial the police emergency number 117. You do not have to intervene with your neighbours yourself, that is the responsibility of the police.


If a person is injured, approach them, don’t look the other way. Ask about the origin of the injuries. Refer the person to the police or a doctor.


If you are aware of any danger to a child or a vulnerable adult, you can submit an endangerment report directly to the Child and Adult Protection Authority (KESB). You can find the online form and further information here.

Any questions?

Do you have any questions about a specific situation and what you should do? Contact the Zug Police Department for Domestic Violence on +41 41 595 41 41 or by email. You can also report your observations anonymously.